About Us
Our Story
In 1951, the LIONS of Massachusetts became aware that each year, 2,500 premature babies were losing their sight at birth from so-called ‘baby blindness’.
As a result, the Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund was formed in October 1951, dedicating itself to funding research.
Our first grant of $5,000 was given to Dr. Ingalls of Harvard Medical School who was instrumental in discovering the cause of baby blindness: too much oxygen being used in the incubators of premature babies. Today, over 125,000 adults can see because of the foresight and concern of these Lions.
Our Impact
We’ve helped to establish three major research centers in Boston:
Howe Laboratory of Ophthalmology at Massachusetts Eye & Ear

Massachusetts Lions EyeResearch Laboratory at Boston University Medical Center

Lions Laboratory for Genetic Research at Schepens Eye Research Institute

Who We Are
We are an all-volunteer 501(c)(3), tax-exempt, non-profit organization. For 73 years, research funded by Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc., has helped people with a wide range of eye diseases.
We’re helping researchers transform
today’s ideas into tomorrow’s cures.
Who We Are
We are an all-volunteer 501(c)(3), tax-exempt, non-profit organization. For more than 60 years, research funded by Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc., has helped people with a wide range of eye diseases.
We’re helping researchers transform
today’s ideas into tomorrow’s cures.
Let’s Talk
within 72 hours
Contact our
Mass Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc.
Dr. James Roth, Treasurer
43 Stewart Terrace
Belmont, MA 02478