Board of Directors

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors is made up of Lions Club members from each of the 5 sub-districts of Multiple District 33. The Board must consist of a minimum 30 directors including at least 6 members of each of the 5 sub-districts. Annually the Board consists of individuals from all walks of life with varied professional, business and civic backgrounds. Together, they are all connected by the Lions motto ‘We Serve”.

Executive Committee

John Riemer, PCS 33A

Beverly Dillon, PDG 33S
1st Vice President

Patricia Kalicki, PDG 33K
2nd Vice President

3rd Vice President

Dr. James Roth, PHD, PDG 33K

Jeanne Farrow, PDG 33N
Assistant Treasurer

Bob Grover, 33A
Interim Secretary – Executive Director

Jean Wilder, PCC 33Y
Immediate Past President

District Governors

Jeff Turner, 33Y

Curt Jameson, 33A

Elizabeth Pettis, 33N

Ivette Mesmar, 33K

Deborah Horner, 33S

Trust & Endowment Committee

Wayne Smith Chair, PDG, PP – non-Director

Maryann Bankman, PZC 33Y

Bill Johnson, 33A

Lionel Carbonneau, PCST 33A

Brenda MacPherson, 33N

Ivette Mesmar, DG 33K

Steve Garran, 2nd Vice President, 33S

John Riemer, MLERF President, 33A

Dr. Jim Roth, MLERF Treasurer, PHD, PDG 33K

Jeanne Farrow, MLERF Assistant Treasurer, PDG 33N

Vice District Governors

1st Vice
District Governors

Thom Swift, 33Y

Denise Andrews, PDG 33A

Mark Alexander, 33N

Diana Faust, 33K

Michael Middleton, 33S

2nd Vice
District Governors

District Y vacant

District A vacant

Katie Sirois, 33N

Anthony Baliola, 33K

Steve Garran, 33S

Board Term Expirations

Board Term Expires – 2024

Jim Allen, 33Y

Bill Johnson, 33A

Mike Gmitter, 33N

Richard MacPherson, 33N

Kathy Salem, PDG 33S

Board Term Expires – 2025

Lionel Carbonneau, PCST, 33A

Brenda MacPherson 33N

Dr. Deborah Wayne, PDG 33K

Lorraine Thompson, 33S

District Y – Vacant

Board Term Expires – 2026

Maryann Bankman, PZC 33Y

Barry Alman, 33A

Jeralyn O’Connor, PCST 33N

Debbie Hayes, 33K

Patricia Salvas, PCST, 33S

Board Term Expires – 2027

Alice Gaudet, 33N

Tim Munn, 33K

Steve Garran, 33S

District Y – Vacant

Bob Grover, 33A

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Contact our


Mass Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc.
Dr. James Roth, Treasurer
43 Stewart Terrace
Belmont, MA 02478