MLERF Fundraising Programs
Lions Clubs all across Massachusetts perform fund-raising activities throughout the year in order to support the Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund. The two major programs that support these fund-raising efforts are the Journey for Sight and Pennies for Sight programs.
Journey For Sight
The Journey to Sight program began after the 1982 Lions Clubs International Convention. It was an idea created by Lions Clubs International designed to enable Lions Clubs and Districts to raise funds for sight related activities and increase Club and District visibility and reputation in their communities.
Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc. adopted “Journey to Sight” shortly after the 1982 International Convention and later changed the name to Journey for Sight. The first Journey for Sight Weekend was held in May of 1983. The initial idea was for all Clubs to hold a Journey for Sight project on the same weekend of May each year. The purpose of this project was to generate additional funds for MLERF over and above a Lions Club’s usual annual donation. The goal was that the money generated by the existing five Lions Districts in the State would be the equivalent of a sixth (6th) District.
The goal was that the money generated by the program would be the equivalent of a sixth (6th) District.
Today, Journey For Sight projects occur all year long throughout the five Lions Districts (Y-A-N-K-S).

Pennies For Sight
The Pennies for Sight program was created as another vehicle for Lion’s clubs to generate funds for MLERF, literally one penny at a time. Lions clubs distribute penny canisters containing the MLERF logo at local businesses or other venues.
Program motto: “Your change changes people’s lives”.
Any Lions club that donates $100.00 receives a Banner Patch. Once a club has received the banner patch, in any year in which they make another $100.00 donation, they receive a rocker patch for that year.
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Contact our
Mass Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc.
Dr. James Roth, Treasurer
43 Stewart Terrace
Belmont, MA 02478